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In the right in a sentence

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Sentence count:263+8Posted:2018-02-14Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: be in the righton the right trackthe right waydivine rightin the nightin the light ofin the spotlightdivine right of kings
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91. This in turn puts him in the right frame of mind to be helped to overcome the problem once and for all.
92. But let me tell it all in the right order.
93. This suggests that verbal ability is dominant in the left hemisphere and spatial ability is dominant in the right hemisphere.
94. On the platform she was not at all sure that she was in the right place.
95. Your dealer should be able to point you in the right direction. ... and too hard?
96. Jean and those guys, it seems like this organization is heading in the right direction.
97. They just happened to be in the right place at the right time.
98. Being a successful news photographer is all about being in the right place at the right time.
99. I can even find potted shrimps when the wind's in the right direction.
100. But environmentalists call it a step in the right direction.
101. He was in the right place at the right time and hustling as he usually does.
102. That it proves an undistinguished production can be polished in the right hands is illuminating.
103. The development of pub retailing has shown a corrective instinct for seeking to set a purpose built business in the right location.
104. However, if you look at things in the right way it is all quite logical and straight forward.
105. He's in the right age bracket, forty-five, and from his responses today he would seem to be sexually maladjusted.
106. Then Jack got up and punched me in the right eye so hard I lost the sight of it.
107. I've been wondering if I installed the program in the right place.
108. Eventually, through a process of elimination, everything ends up in the right place.
109. Used in the right concentrations, they colour hair for up to six washes and add a protective film.
110. Luck would give him a gentle shove in the right direction.
111. But do read the directions carefully to ensure you're using the correct weedkiller in the right way.
112. So, it could be goodbye to body odour - but only in the right room.
113. I was lucky to be in the right place at the right time.
114. Clean the gunge that is probably beneath these brushes[], rub everything clean and return them in the right order.
115. Yet it's a remarkably basic skill to master once you've been pointed in the right direction.
116. His first two were classic cases of being in the right place at the right time.
117. Through the sacrosanct medium of competition, it put everyone and everything in the right place.
118. The left part of each half shows the stimulus configuration which produced the pattern of impulses shown in the right part.
119. But if you buy the right thing in the right place you should be quite safe.
120. The exercise went far to establish his credentials in the right quarters.
More similar words: be in the righton the right trackthe right waydivine rightin the nightin the light ofin the spotlightdivine right of kingsin the limelightrightarightwrightbrightfrightrightsright offrightlyright nowget rightuprightfar-rightalrightall rightright onoutrightdo rightby rightput rightright-handbrighton
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